The efficient flow for
Jiu Jitsu championships!!

The efficient flow for
Jiu Jitsu championships!!

Registration, bracket creation,
scoreboard and results disclosure.
Everything easy and with just a few clicks!

Your technology partner that will transform your event into an incredible experience for athletes and spectators

 Easy registration form for athletes

Complicated forms generate many registration cancellations and that is why we created a form focused on user experience.

 Easy Registration Payment

Registration payment does not have to be complicated. We have the perfect solution for this and we identify the payment immediately.

 Disclosure of results in record time!

With our application you disclose the results as soon as the last fight ends.

Is your tournament making a profit or a loss?

 Use our cost calculator

Financial planning for your event is crucial to ensure that your championship does not end up in the red!

 Set the registration fee intelligently

With our calculator, you can quickly and easily see the dynamics of costs and revenue.

 Calculate the financial impact of Courtesies!

Courtesies are a very important tool for filling the brackets with just one athlete.

Does your competition use the full potential of technology?

Our mission is to innovate to provide a unique experience for organizers, athletes and spectators of Jiu Jitsu competitions.


Safety first, always!

We are obsessed with security and to this end we follow strict standards of quality control and infrastructure management.
Our servers are always up to date and have maximum security level in the Firewall.


